
The original sin of artificial intelligence


In the digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative tool in various sectors, and education is no exception. However, the integration of AI in particularly sensitive areas such as education is not without challenges, especially with regard to ethical and security conflicts.

The main challenges we face are determined by this great movement of reflection that has been marking technological forums for some years now and that has led the European Union to regulate the use of Artificial Intelligence in 2024. These critical areas are: the content with which AI is trained, the violation of copyright in generative AI, and the benefit obtained from the results generated.

Each of these aspects raises reflections and solutions on how to prepare the citizens of tomorrow to understand the risks that these keys bring with them, but, above all, to reflect and face these challenges in their present, in the classroom, as well as in the future effectively.

AI, prevention and security

AI algorithms are only as good as the data they are fed, so their origin and the biases of their selection will be reflected in the AI ​​results. This is because current artificial intelligence statistically estimates which are the most positive, or accurate, frequent responses.

During its training, it is exposed to patterns, challenges, selected information, etc., creating a highly complex algorithm that allows us to analyse texts, images, audio, videos, etc. And, consequently, obtaining a response limited by that selection of data. This is especially worrying in an educational environment where data protection is key and the responses obtained can mark indoctrination.

AI is not only created, but also developed through its exercise, the data that is entered to obtain a response is processed and stored, as well as the user’s assessment. In an educational environment, this is a significant privacy breach. Are the data that I incorporate in training the AI ​​being used? Is the response true? Hence, the new AI models have processes that protect the integrity of the students and announce that the answers must be checked. However, is this known to them?

The answers are not simple, but we do know that more and more secondary school students are using generative AI or GenIA to help them with their tasks, according to the latest report on The impact of AI on education in Spain. Families and schools facing Artificial Intelligence, which amounts to 40% of students. Therefore, it is essential to be able to develop, within their media literacy, a cybersecurity awareness focused on data, on the rights we give up when accepting the terms and conditions, etc.

Therefore, greater exposure and implementation of AI in classroom activities is essential. There must be an experience and interaction with these GenIA in the classroom so that learning is meaningful, but comprehensive when used as part of the competency development process. It proposes text analysis and the creation of diagrams, in this way the first interaction and the development of autonomy in the study are achieved, always leaving space to contrast the information, incite reflection and discussion.

Creation vs Copyright

Generative AI or GenIA, generates new content from any data with which it has been trained and those who provide it. Therefore, it raises concerns about copyright infringement.

Not only in the data with which it is trained, but with the demand that is indicated in the generation and with respect to the results of the generation. And it can produce texts, images and music, often using or copying copyrighted material without due recognition or compensation to the original creators.

This is especially sensitive, since in this hyper-connected digital world sharing is a constant activity, and we are all capable of disseminating these products, thereby committing an infringement of copyright, and even something worse that we will see later.

Although the debate on this issue has not ended, it is essential to intervene in the classroom with training in this area, through knowledge of the licenses of use, showing students that not everything goes.

In this way, promoting digital creative activities where AI is part of this process opens the doors to digital citizens who respect intellectual property, with the teacher being key to guiding in respect and transmitting the ethical and moral principles of proprietary content; in addition to leading by example.

GenIA, products and consequences

After reviewing the legal and ethical implications of AI, it remains, therefore, to cover our use of this technology and its creations. Although there are clear consequences of its use, such as copyright infringement and the consequent benefit, there are much more serious and harmful consequences.

GenIA can generate almost anything, with anyone’s theme and image, that is, statistics and imagination are our limit. That is why the malicious use of videos and fake images and their consequent social and personal impact is worrying, and rightly so.

It is common in all centers to have a coexistence regulation that covers digital activity, including bullying. According to WHO data, 14% of students in Spain have suffered harassment, of which almost 10% have been cyberbullying, reaching a suicide attempt rate of 20% in both victims and aggressors.

Given these data, we value that more and more content is generated by artificial intelligence among high school students, a stage where coexistence problems are more significant. Considering, also, that the creation of false content and fake news is becoming easier thanks to this technology.

The responsibility arises to train and encourage, from all actors in the educational community, a responsible use of technology. That is why, it is necessary to work from prevention, with a deep awareness of the consequences of creating something with AI that can harm others, and that these hoaxes lead to a fatal outcome.

ODILO, committed to security and education

Faced with the challenges posed by the technology sector and the educational world, ODILO stands as a comprehensive solution that allows:

  1. Work from prevention and training of teachers and professors.
  2. Practice and use artificial intelligence.
  3. A safe and private environment.

ODILO , thanks to the training itineraries and specialized content in artificial intelligence, allows the development of skills of the entire educational community, allowing not only initial training on concepts and main uses of artificial intelligence, but also being able to advance towards the training impact, from prevention, of a development of how to face ethical and security dilemmas that will arise in the future. Families also have the possibility of training in these new technologies.

In addition, thanks to the AI ​​​​of content creation, ready for use, teachers will have a generative AI assistant that covers the demands of creating training content, without incurring the risk of data use or incurring copyright violations, in addition, it will be much easier to be able to create meaningful activities.

Finally, ODILO’s unlimited learning ecosystem is a safe environment with the highest quality standards, as well as the guarantee that the artificial intelligence model does not collect any data from users.

For all these reasons, ODILO is consolidated as a reference in the training, awareness and development of digital literacy in the educational community, as well as in the development of these skills for the professional development of teachers.
