
The use of Artificial Intelligence in education: Your personal teaching assistant

The use of Artificial Intelligence in education: Your personal teaching assistant


The irruption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education has marked a significant change in the way teaching and learning takes place. The integration of AI in education has opened up new possibilities, from the personalization of learning to the automation of administrative tasks, transforming the entire educational experience. 

However, this evolution is not without controversy, with some teachers expressing concerns about the use of AI in the classroom. Some fear that AI could replace traditional teaching, generating resistance and uncertainty around its implementation, even going as far as banning it.

UNESCO has been at the forefront of exploring the benefits and challenges of AI in education. Through initiatives and programs, from 2019 with the Beijing Consensus, providing guidance, to its latest reports raising ethical, responsible use, examples, etc.

The impact of AI has intensified since the release of several generative AIs in recent years that have allowed to increase productivity in all fields, producing all kinds of digital objects. This has become increasingly popular and has been making its way into education, especially among teachers, as it involves:

  • Time reduction in innovative educational proposals such as active methodologies.
  • Facilitation of activities through attractive initiatives.
  • Support in the diversity of activities that reach all students.

However, how can AI facilitate the work of teachers?

Implementing methodological support for educational development.

If we focus on generative AIs, the most popular and accessible are the so-called long language model (or LLM) AIs which allow generating, for the most part, texts. These AIs are the most feared by teachers, as they can easily generate quick answers for students, elaborate complete papers, etc.

However, the real challenge is not what the tool does, in this case, organize several words and order them in a coherent way to respond to a topic with some characteristics indicated by the user, but the use we can make of it; and the AI can be a great assistant for the teacher.

In the creation of texts and activities, a task that involves more time, is usually the organization and sequencing of content. If we add to this the fact that the implementation of active methodologies is complex and that many teachers need support. The availability of an assistant that can help and generate examples of programs with these methodologies can be of great help.

That is why, with precise and very descriptive commands, AI is able to create activities and proposals of a certain quality that help the teacher to make innovative proposals. This improves impact and efficiency, improving the engagement with their students, and developing their methodological competence, etc.

Narrative as the element that makes the difference  

Now that we have generated our active methodological proposal, with its adjusted sequencing and activity proposals, we need to bring it to life. The activities become more dynamic and attractive through the use of narratives that capture attention and support the initiatives.

It is not the same to propose the creation of a presentation, document, solution, as it is to show the need for it in order to solve a specific problem. But should the teacher, in addition to being an expert pedagogue, also be a recognized writer? Certainly not necessary.

Generative AI allows, as a good organizer of words, to elaborate texts and narratives that can be attractive to students. Therefore, with a simple theme and a sketch of the storyline, it will be able to generate an introduction to the project, a previous account of the problem, a challenging situation, etc.

At this point in the process, AI becomes the assistant that the teacher requires so much to increase the attractiveness of their teaching learning processes. Now it’s easier to hook up students, all thanks to precious instructions. But there’s something else you can help us with.

Discovering the universal design of learning 

Having an innovative, attractive and dynamic activity, we will be able to reach the vast majority of students, but not all; and education must be first and foremost universal. So how is AI going to allow us to reach the entire student body?

For this point, many teachers are trained and seek solutions to the so-called universal learning design, and AI is a great helper to provide guidance and resources for such complex cases and help contextualize activities.

By means of a detailed description, the activity, and the needs that the teacher has detected. The generative AI are able to offer an alternative to these activities to make the contents reach all the diversity of the students, including guidelines on the resources to be used, and methodological recommendations for the development of the activity.

A good use of a great almost human tool

However, although it is a great tool, it is essential to review the productions of Artificial Intelligence before being used in any field, especially the educational one. Due to the importance of ensuring quality, the ethics, and relevance of the generated content. 

The review of AI productions allows us to verify the accuracy of the information, the consistency of the content and the appropriateness to the educational objectives, ensuring that the materials are reliable and relevant for the students and teachers. 

By carefully reviewing AI productions, confidence in these technological tools is promoted and their effectiveness as support resources for teaching and learning is ensured, thus contributing to an enriching and safe educational experience for all involved.

AI through a safe and ethical environment

With so many advantages and facilities for teachers and students, the inclusion of generative AI is key. Therefore, at ODILO we are committed to the responsible inclusion of generative AI assistants in Unlimited Learning Ecosystems.

So, for the generation of training content, we have included in our authoring tool this potential to create activities based on active methodologies, elaborate texts, develop narrative threads in activities, make inclusive teaching proposals, support universal design. We also generate activities and issues related to competences, etc.

All in a safe and ethical environment with AI and data. A digital ecosystem with the greatest guarantees of security for students and teachers, thanks to the fulfillment of the highest security standards and above all, avoiding saving any data that compromises users.

In addition, the provision of a wide catalog of multiformat resources, provides teachers and students with grants to:

  • The agile use of AI.
  • The ethical application of the generated content.
  • The development of a responsible and respectful attitude towards new emerging technologies.
  • Promotion of safe use of new technologies.
  • Knowledge for the review and use of the productions generated by AI.

In conclusion, the implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education represents a significant transformation, providing innumerable advantages for both teachers and students. Through customization of learning, automation of administrative tasks and support in the creation of innovative and dynamic content, AI is positioned as a valuable tool for the educational field. 

However, it is crucial that its use is done in an ethical and responsible manner, ensuring the quality and relevance of the materials generated. Careful review of AI productions ensures that educational standards are maintained and confidence in these technologies is promoted. 

Initiatives like ODILO demonstrate the potential to integrate AI safely and effectively, contributing to an enriching and accessible learning ecosystem for all.
